custom cannabis packaging

The different types of cannabis products for consumers have significantly increased over time.

Each form has unique characteristics, usage methods, and packaging requirements. This includes flowers, concentrates, edibles, topicals, and more. 

As a cannabis brand, crafting custom packaging for the various forms of cannabis is essential to meet regulations. Moreover, the right kind of packaging ensures consumer convenience and market differentiation.

Primarily, this article will explore the various forms of cannabis. It will also look at the suitable custom cannabis packaging for each.

The Best Kind of Custom Cannabis Packaging for the Different Forms of Cannabis

There are several forms of cannabis, and each has its own unique kind of packaging. Some of the forms of cannabis and their suitable means of packaging are:

#1. Cannabis Flowers/Buds:

Cannabis flowers, commonly known as buds, are the unprocessed and dried form of the cannabis plant. Packaging this type of cannabis requires careful consideration. This is due to their fragility and vulnerability to degradation caused by light, air, and moisture. As such, custom cannabis packaging solutions often involve:

  • Airtight Containers

Utilizing airtight containers helps preserve the freshness, aroma, and potency of cannabis buds. Airtight containers are often made of glass, metal, or high-quality plastic. Such containers help in minimizing exposure to oxygen.

  • UV-Resistant Packaging

Translucent containers or packaging materials can shield buds from harmful ultraviolet rays. This prevents degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes due to light exposure.

  • Humidity Packs/Sachet

Incorporating humidity packs or sachets within the packaging helps maintain optimal moisture levels. Humidity packs contain a gel designed to regulate and maintain relative humidity. This ensures the preservation of the flower’s quality over time.

#2. Cannabis Concentrates

Concentrates include various highly potent extracts derived from the cannabis plant. This includes oils, waxes, shatter, and distillates. It’s important to prioritize secure containment and protection against temperature fluctuations. Custom cannabis packaging options for cannabis concentrates include:

  • Silicone or Glass Containers

Non-reactive, solid containers help preserve the potency and consistency of concentrates. Better yet, it prevents leaching or contamination. The containers could be made of silicone or high-quality glass.

  • Child-Resistant Packaging

Meeting regulatory standards, child-resistant closures, or packaging designs are crucial to ensure safety. This is especially true for highly concentrated products.

#3. Cannabis Edibles

Edibles have to do with a broad category of cannabis-infused food and beverage products. This ranges from chocolates and gummies to baked goods. 

Edible Packaging solutions focus on freshness, accurate dosing, and appealing presentation. Some of the custom cannabis packaging for edibles are:

  • Sealed and Tamper-Proof Packaging 

Individually sealed packaging helps maintain freshness and prevents tampering, ensuring product integrity.

  • Child-resistant and Odor-Control Packaging

Child-resistant closures and materials that prevent odor leakage are essential to keep cannabis-infused edibles secure and discreet.

#4. Cannabis Topicals

Topicals encompass cannabis-infused creams, lotions, balms, and oils designed for topical application. This offers localized relief from pain, inflammation, or skin conditions. 

Packaging for cannabis topicals prioritizes hygiene, ease of application, and accurate dosing. The ideal custom cannabis packaging for topicals includes:

  • Pump or Dispenser Packaging 

Packaging with pump or dispenser mechanisms ensures controlled and hygienic application. This allows consumers to measure precise dosages.

  • Tamper-Evident Packaging with Seals 

Seals indicate if the product has been tampered with or opened. As such, sealed packaging provides reassurance regarding product safety.

#5. Unique Products

As the cannabis market evolves, innovative products are gaining popularity. Such products include transdermal patches, dissolvable strips, inhalers, and suppositories.

Primarily, the packaging system of a unique cannabis product should be compact and discreet. They should also have a design that is convenient for use.

Bottom Line

Crafting tailored packaging solutions for different cannabis forms ensures product quality. Better yet, it plays a key role in shaping consumer experiences. This, in turn, fosters brand loyalty and helps your brand to thrive in the rapidly expanding cannabis market.